Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Half Way Mark

Well, we're half way through the first stage! Both of us have had A LOT going on in our lives and are both reasonably behind schedule I believe!

As it stands I do have my Ogres built just need an undercoat and to decide on a colour scheme!

My Iron Guts!

 And my Leadbelchers

I also have a work in progress Bruiser BSB which needs a few parts before he'll be finished off!

So I am getting somewhere, although I still haven't decided on the theme for the army, but there will be one.... I may just pick it out of a hat in the very near future! Failing that rely heavily on seeing a decent deal for something on ebay that I can use to give me a theme!

I've also no idea what to add next for stage 2! But am thinking if we play a 500pts game at the end of this stage I'll learn a bit more about what I have!

Away from this blog we have a 2850points game with our existing armies set for tomorrow! I've put together a little blog about all things Dark Elves and plan if possible to battle report tomorrows game on there... we'll see what happens! :)