So, a while has passed since Dave and I announced our Army choices for this challenge we've set ourselves! (I'd have posted a response sooner only I have been moving house and had no internet for over a week).
Here I sit (well lay actually, as I've pulled my back out shifting all the heavy boxes!) thinking its high time I give anyone viewing this a further update.
Dave in his under-handed Skaven manner really did try to trick me with his planned army choice, I was 90% sure it would be either High Elves or Vampire Counts.
I can remember several years ago when he worked at one of our local GW stores, talking about a Lizardman army containing LOADS of Stegadons, it sounded frightening but I never thought for one minute I'd ever see it on the table top, now I'm not so sure! At-least he doesn't have one of these!!!
However I must admit settling on Ogres (an army I have never considered until recently) and thinking about the vast amount of poisoned shooting attacks Dave is going to be able to send my way, along with the Magical superiority he will have, this is going to be very tough, and I know Dave will really be able to play to his armies strengths.
It leaves me a few tough choices to make, on how this army can be collected, the gun-line idea looks better and better the more I think about those skirmishing Skinks and Stegadons (nothing will drop a big fat Dino, better than a mighty Cannon of the Sky-titans! Assuming those pesky Gnoblars haven't let their maintenance slip.)
My other options are to go very Monster heavy myself (given that all the soldiers barring Gnoblars are monsters anyway shouldn't be too hard!) and include at-least one each of Stonehorns, Thundertusks and a Giant, I think I could squeeze a 2nd Stonehorn in there too? And a couple of Mournfang units.
My last option was to attempt collecting an Ogre army that settled in Lustria themselves! It wouldn't be themed specifically to perform a certain way on the table top but it would be heavily converted (as much as I like this idea I think it may be beyond my painting/modelling skills at the moment)
Either way I go, Stage 1 begins on June 1st, and ends on the 31st of July by which time I need to have bought, built and painted 500 points worth of Ogres. My first purchases have been made, a box of Leadbelchers and a box of Ironguts.Good solid core choices that I can build the rest of the army around, I plan on throwing in a Bruiser to be my Battle Standard which should put me at around 500points. So.... game on!
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