Yes, as Dave has written we're going to just spill our thoughts around collecting new armies under certain conditions into this and hope that people enjoy reading it.
The first article I remember reading about collecting an army was one from a very old White Dwarf issue in which a member of the team collected an all Goblin army for the staff tournament, I probably read that article 10 times over, and I've always remembered it. I'm really looking forward to writing our own version, and with both of us adding to the Blog regularly, it should hopefully make for an interesting read.
To begin with I'll list a selection of the ideas I've been having with regards to what to collect and why!
1) Beastmen;always liked the models, and the ambush rule is cool, they also have one of the largest selections of monsters available.
2) Ogres; but something a little different to the usual ogre armies I've seen, I like the idea of an Ogre Gunline, lots of Leadbelchers, those giant skycannon things and Scrap launchers.
3) Skaven; a crazy Skyre army with lots of weapons teams heavily converted (also because Dave already has a large Skaven army contesting his would prove entertaining)! but actually gaming with them might frustrate me as I've seen how quickly bad luck can hinder them... although the Hellpit abomination is super dangerous!
4) Lizardmen; The first army I ever really collected when they where first released along with the Bretonnians, and some great miniatures!
5) Empire; they're the classic good guys - humanity fighting for survival and so, so many ways to collect an army with almost an unlimited number of themes.
Well thats my shortlist, but it could change any day, in fact as I'm sure is the same with most people when deciding on a new army minds change a LOT!!! All of them atleast will be very different to my Dark Elves!
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